Teens: There IS help for your acne!


Acne is the most common skin disease.
People of all races and ages get acne.
But it is most common in teenagers and young adults.


An estimated 80 percent of all people between the ages of 11 and 30 have acne outbreaks at some point.  Acne can be found on the face, neck, chest, back and shoulders because these areas have the largest number of oil glands.

I personally know how difficult and frustrating it can be to find the best products and treatments to help clear up acne. Here is some basic information to set you on the right path towards clearing up your acne.

How Salicylic Acid Peels Can help your acne…


Chemical peels don’t really peel the skin, despite what the name implies. They rapidly exfoliate the skin, allowing dead skin cells to shed more effectively. By keeping dead skin cells and excess oil from clogging the hair follicle, pore blockages (comedones) and pimples can be drastically reduced.  While you will notice immediate improvement after your first peel, it is highly recommended to receive a series of the peels to get the most benefits and continue healing your skin.

  • Acne occurs when hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. Hormones, bacteria, certain medications and heredity can be contributing factors. Teenage girls are more likely to have acne outbreaks two to seven days before their menstrual cycles. Cosmetics or other substances applied to the skin can contribute to acne. Pressure on the skin, such as cell phones, helmets and backpacks, may also be contributors.

What acne fighting ingredients to look for:

Benzoyl Peroxide-This super popular ingredient is a bacteria killer. It can come in many different strengths- start out with a lower concentration to see how your skin responds. It can be drying, so make sure you follow with an oil free moisturizer.

Salicylic Acid- This is a form of beta hydroxy acid (BHA), and is commonly used as an acne treatment because it helps your skin shed dead cells and penetrate your oil glands.

Sulfur- Like benzoyl peroxide, sulfur can kill bacteria, but because it’s often very thick and slightly tinted, it’s best worn as a spot treatment.

Tea Tree Oil- This has anti-bacterial properties, but unlike a chemical, it’s not as fast-acting. So if you’re looking for quick results, this may not be your first pick. It is, however, a great alternative if you prefer natural products.

Kojic Acid-While this may not necessarily be a breakout fighter, it should be your go-to for fading dark marks and spots that are left behind after a breakout has gone away.

(teenvogue.com top 5 acne fighters)

Teen Acne Tips


  • Don’t Overwash or Overscrub Your Face
  • Do Go Oil-Free When You Wash
  • Do Use an Oil-Free Foundation
  • Don’t Sunbathe or Tan
  • Do Use Oil-Free Sunscreen
  • Don’t Touch Your Face
  • Do Use Oil-Free Moisturizer
  • Don’t Pop  or Squeeze Your Pimples
  • Do Use Acne Medicine as Directed and Look Into All Acne Treatments

Don’t just live with acne, blackheads, and blemishes. If your current treatments don’t seem to be working, see your doctor or dermatologist to discuss other treatments. There are many types of medicines to help clear your skin. Some are available with a doctor’s prescription.

It may take a few tries to find the right treatment that is most effective for your skin. This can be frustrating, but try not to let it discourage you. Just remember that each medication you try will ultimately bring you closer to clear skin.


Also, don’t get disappointed if you’re still noticing new breakouts forming even after you’ve begun treatment. Pimples won’t immediately stop appearing and your acne may get a little bit worse before the medicine starts to take full effect. What you’ll most likely find is that over time your breakouts will become smaller, less red, and will heal more quickly. It is a gradual process, not overnight clearing. Although it doesn’t seem fair, some acne treatments actually make breakouts worse before getting better.

Above all else, be patient! No matter what product or medication you use, it takes time to work. You won’t get clear skin overnight, but with consistent treatment and a little time, you will get the results you’re looking for.